1855 Routes for a Pacific Railroad

Map of routes for a Pacific railroad, compiled to accompany the report of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, sec. of war. G. K. Warren, lt. top. engrs. 1855. Warren, Gouverneur Kemble, 1830-1882. N[ew] Y[ork] Lith. of J. Bien [1857] Relief shown by hachures. Hand colored. "This is a hurried compilation of all the authentic surveys and is designed to exhibit the relations of the different routes to each other: the topography represents only those great divides which form summits on the profiles of the routes. An elaborate map on scale of 1:3,000,000 is being compiled and is in an advanced state..." Outline sketch map of the United States west of the Mississippi River designed to show the relationship of the proposed railroad routes. First edition of the map appears in U.S. War Department, Report of the Secretary...Communicating the Several Pacific Railroad Explorations (Washington, 1855).