1768 Gulf Stream, Atlantic Ocean

Franklin-Folger chart of the Gulf Stream. London : Sold by Jno. Mount and Tho. Page, [ca. 1768] Shows the Gulf Stream. Publication authorized by Benjamin Franklin and Timothy Folger. Gulf Stream information overprinted on: A new and exact chart of Mr. E. Wrights projection, rut. Mercators chart, con. ye sea coast of Europe, Africa & America, from ye Isles of Orkney to Cape Bona Esperance & Hudsons Bay to ye straits of Magellan, according to ye observations of Capt. E. Halley, fellow of ye R.S. / to the Rt. Honble., ye Principle Officers & Commissioners of His Majesties Navy ; this chart is most humbly dedicated and presented by their most obedient faithfull servants John Mount & Th. Page ; H. Moll fecit. Includes text and inset of "The sea coast from Rio de la Plata to Terra del Fuego &c."