1688 Grand Duchy Baden, Germany

CIRCULUS | SUEVICUS | in quo sunt | DUCATUS | WIRTENBERGENSIS, | MARCHIONATUS | BADENSIS, & BURGOVIENSIS, | COMITATUS | OTTING, RECHBERG, KONIGSEK | HOHENZOLERN, & FURSTENBERG, | BARONATUS | LIMPURG, WALDBURG, | & IUSTINGEN, | STATUS DOMUS FUGGERORUM, | EPISCOPATUS | AUGUSTAE, & CONSTANCIAE | ABBATIA KEMPTENSIS, | et | TERRITORIUM ULMENSE | , Frederik de Wit (1688) This map depicts a large part of the grand duchy Baden. The publisher Frederik de Wit (1630-1706) used for this map a reliable map by Willem Jansz. Blaeu (1571-1638). Blaeu based his map on information of the German geographer Wilhelm Schickhardt (1592-1635).
SKU: 17thcentury018
Price Starting At: $12.50