1687 Hungary

TOTIUS REGNI | HUNGARIAE | et adjacentium Regionum | TABULA | A.o 1687 ob res bellicas inter Christianos et Turcas de novo correcta ac innummeris | locis aucta, Nicolaas Visscher (1687)Hungary was besieged by the Turkish Empire between 1526 and 1686. Hungary formed an ideal basis for military operations to the Habsburg Empire. After a fruitless attempt to conquer the city of Vienna, the Turkish army was forced back by allied christian troops. The battle which most of the time took place on Hugarian soil, was followed all over Western Europe. Many detailed maps on which all the movements of the army and the developments of the battle could be followed were published. This war map was published by Nicolaas Visscher II (1649-1702).
SKU: 17thcentury010
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