1683 Siege of Vienna, Austria - Title Page

IOVI | PROPITIO | MARTI BIS ULTORI | MDCLXXXIII | LEOPOLDI I.D.G. | GERM. IMP. DIV. AUG. FEL. | NEC NON | IOANNIS. III. D.G. | POLON. REG. INVICTISS: | ACTA PROPE OBSESSAM | VIENNAM AUSTRIAE | VERE HER?ICA, Romeyn de Hooghe (1683) In 1683 the town of Vienna was besieged for two months by a great Turkish army led by the grand vizier Kara Mustafa. The development of the siege was rather spectaculair especially since the capture of the city was frustrated at the very last moment by an allied army led by the Polish king John III. The Polish King helped Vienna because he believed that after the fall of Vienna, the Turkish army would attack the core of the Polish nation, Krakow. The Polish king succeeded to relieve the city and to conquer the Turkish army. In 1683, Nicolaas Visscher II (1649-1702) published a series of ten prints about the Turkish siege of the city of Vienna with the most important pictures of the war. The prints were engraved by Romeyn de Hooghe (1645-1708) after drawings from the Antwerp artist