1683 Siege of Vienna, Austria - 2 of 10

't Veroveren en ruineeren van Tabor, Leopold-stad en | den Donauer pasbrug door de Turken = Prise de Tabor, Leopoldstat, et du pont sur le passage du Donau | ruinees par les Turcqs, Romeyn de Hooghe (1683)In 1683, Nicolaas Visscher II (1649-1702) published a series of ten prints about the Turkish siege of the city of Vienna with the most important pictures of the war. The prints were engraved by Romeyn de Hooghe (1645-1708) after drawings from the Antwerp artist Jacobus Peeters. The Turkish army approached the city of Vienna from the north-east. First the army tried to conquer big Praterisland, now Leopoldstadt, to occupy the four entrance bridges to the city. They succeeded only partly. The defenders of the city had to give up Leopoldstadt and the Tabor bastion, but only after destroying three of the four bridges.