1683 Siege of Vienna, Austria - 1 of 10

Huldiging der Hongaren en Tyrannie der Rebellen | Turken, en Tartaren = Hommage des Hungrois et Tirannie des Rebelles Turcqs et Tartares,Romeyn de Hooghe (1683) In 1683, Nicolaas Visscher II (1649-1702) published a series of ten prints about the Turkish siege of the city of Vienna with the most important pictures of the war. The prints were engraved by Romeyn de Hooghe (1645-1708) after drawings from the Antwerp artist Jacobus Peeters. With this allegorical image, the first sheet in the series, it is clear what side the artist choses: here the Hungarian traitors honour their enemies.
SKU: 17thcentury161
Price Starting At: $12.50