1677 Battle at Tobago, Caribbean Sea

AFBEELDINGH | der heete rescontre te Water en te Lant op het | EYLANDT TABAGO, | Tusschen den Fransen Admirael d'Estr?e, en den Heer Commandeur Binckes | in de Maenden van February en Maert 1677, Romeyn Hooghe (1677)During the 17th and eithteenth centuries, the sea around the islands in the Caribbean was infamous for pirates. In 1676 The Netherlands sent an expedition led by Jacob Binckes with the purpose to end this piracy. In 1677 a confrontation was started near the island of Tobago with a French fleet. This battle which ended dramatically for the Dutch is represented by Romeyn de Hooghe (1645-1708) on this print.
SKU: 17thcentury276
Price Starting At: $12.50